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HESCOR Glossary

This is the place to define terms we want to be able to use with each other without being misunderstood.

Some terms have different definitions in different disciplines, we want to understand these ambiguities to avoid confusion and improve our communication.

How To

For all questions regarding usage of the wiki, there is the DokuWiki Documentation.

Create a new glossary entry

The quickest way is to search for the term you want to create a glossary entry for in the wikis search bar at the top right.
Above any search results you will find the message:
“You can find the results of your search below. If you didn't find what you were looking for, you can create or edit the page :test , named after your query. ”

Don't worry too much about the actual search query term, the name of the new page can be determined by adding a headline on the new page within the editor you will see, when following the link “ :test ”.

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start.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/24 10:45 by pschlue1